Yes. First you have to create own profile in our registration system
Attention! Online editing of profile is available till midnight of last Tuesday before even. On Wednesday is BiB list published and after this any online changes are not acceptable.
Please, look at simple manual how to edit your registration:
On the web page create your own profile with e-mail you registered to races.
After you sign in click at the upper right corner on green „character of human“ button. Page with all your future registrations to races will be shown.
Choose the registration, which you would like to substitute and click on the green „frame with pen“ button on the right side of the screen.
After you click on the green button, you will see registration form, where you are able to modify any info you like. Please fill out all information regarding substitution and click on update/safe button. New registration confirmation will be send to the e-mail you filled out in the form and approved within 120 minutes of finishing substitution.
Note: All online changes required payment via Credit Card only - 5 €